The “Mark of the High Calling” Bible Course

The “Mark of the High Calling” is a comprehensive Study that takes you through the entire Bible, as you work at your own pace. For anyone that is truly hungry to know His Word it will be an invaluable tool in your spiritual growth. Nevertheless, it is essential that you have a passion to know the Word of God for much study is required for this course. You are definitely required to “think” and apply your mind to the subject matter. Yet, it cannot be said that this course is “difficult” if all assigned text and reference Scriptures are read at a pace that allows the mind to absorb their context and meaning. If you thoroughly read all assigned readings, you will be able to answer most questions even if you do not have a thorough understanding of the text.

If you will continue to study, understanding will come. We will pray for you and help you in your study any way we can to better understand, if you are truly having a problem. While we love to see the lessons done with perfection, it is not mandatory. We will work with you at any level you are on if we can see that you are truly trying and truly hungry for the Word.

All you need as far as reference materials is a KJV Bible and the study book curriculum. Nevertheless, it is always useful to have a good Bible concordance.

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“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Studying the Bible provides us with a firm foundation in God's TRUTH rather than the errors of the world.