Home to all age groups, nationalities, and backgrounds (for He has made all nations "one blood" - Acts 17:26). We believe when we come to Him our past is washed away, and He makes all things new for those who will yield to Him: All are welcome! COME WORSHIP THE LORD WITH US!
Our Mission
New Bethel Pentecostal Church began in 1993 out of a sincere love for God, with just a few people that were thirsty for Jesus. During a time of some difficult situations these started gathering for prayer, and that prayer meeting developed into a church. Our goal is to be a place of strength, encouragement, and spiritual growth to the children of God, and a refuge for souls that would come to Him. Our desire is that lives would be fully transformed as we learn to walk in close intimacy with this God of the Universe – Jesus – the Creator of all! We desire to fulfill Jesus’ desire for His people by letting His light flow through us and out into the world, as we reach out to all in love, mercy, and Truth. Our mission is that we will be a body that continues to grow into maturity in Jesus in every area of our life – loving Him supremely, and in so doing we would be a living witness to the world of the reality of the power of Jesus in the lives of those who would yield themselves into His hands. I guess we could sum all of this up with Jesus’ command in Luke 10:27:
“And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind;and thy neighbour as thyself.”
God Loves Us All!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
Upcoming events
March Birthdays:
Gabe Blizzard - March 1
Brittany Kennedy - March 4
Eliot Smith - March 12
Kayla Hadel - March 19
Geraldine Weaver - March 25
March Anniversaries:
No Anniversaries to show